Monday, September 28, 2009

Facing Reality

I recently had some personal experiences...running into people that knew me when I was 40-50 lbs. thinner...that filled me with sadness and embarrasment. I felt like I wanted to just melt into the ground like the Wicked Witch of the West. But, I choose to look at the experience as motivation, and I am left with the realization that no matter how much help and support I have...especially from Michael who gives his 100%...the real commitment has to come from ME. Any program only works when you DO it---and as simplistic as it sounds, no one else can do it for you. Luckily, I find the Super Body Super Brain (SBSB) exercise energizing and fun. And it helps my mood and spirit tremendously. Prone to depression, exercise is as important for me as any other treatment.
A few things that I know about myself are helpful. For one, I am a morning exerciser. While I may do more cardio later in the day, or 10 mins. of SBSB (hey, even 10 min. is effective), I like to begin my day with exercise. As far as a food program goes, I really have to PLAN. This means shopping and making sure healthy choices are available in my fridge. While I have bad habits to break (I am a night eater, single, and living in NYC where takeout food is abundant), I know a lot about nutrition and I'm a professional cook! So, moving forward, no excuses, and no more embarrasment, I hope. But I'm keeping that terrible feeling as a reminder.

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